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Writer's pictureLisa Alioto

I’ll Cry If I Want To

In society we are often told directly or subtly that it’s weak to cry or that you should be “strong” and not cry.   But why is crying perceived as a weakness?  It’s simply an expression of an emotion, a release.  It’s selfcare at its finest.  So, I’m here to share that it’s not only okay to cry but that it’s definitely not a weakness!

Every Emotion Serves a Purpose

Every emotion that we have serves a purpose.  Guilt alerts us that we may be heading in a direction that we shouldn’t.   Joy indicates that we have found something that makes us happy.

There’s a certain beauty with crying though because it can show us many things.  We cry when we are happy, surprised, upset, frustrated, overwhelmed.   Crying is a reaction to all of these emotions and acts as a healthy release for us.  It lets us get these feelings out; it lifts the weight of the emotion off of us.

So Why Are We Discouraged from Crying

Personally, I think this is an old adage that has simply carried on through the years.  It used to be seen by some as a sign of weakness.  In reality though, I think of it as a sign of strength.  That you’ve gone through so much, handled so much that you just need a release.  And that’s all it is – a release.  Not necessarily an indication that you can’t handle something.

While there is a time and place for everything, I encourage crying.  There’s nothing more refreshing at times then a good cry to wash away the old and start fresh.   It’s a way to give yourself a reset on any problems that caused you to cry or, if it was for a happy reason, it can be a way to show how much you care.

Time and Place to Cry

While I feel that crying should be an expression of an emotion that we should feel free to do, I do feel like at times there is a time and place for it.  I think, when possible, avoiding crying in class or at work, is always a good thing.  Right or wrong, many people in these settings look upon it as unprofessional.  Given the hard work you put into these areas of your life, it seems prudent to avoid chancing tarnishing that image if at all possible.  Again, right or wrong there still is that perception out there so it’s something you may want to take into account.

Sometimes though it can’t be avoided.  Life happens.  You receive unexpected bad news at work or perhaps something in school really frustrated you to the point of tears.   Don’t forget, it’s always okay to cry. You can’t always help when “life” will interject itself into a moment. Those that matter will understand.

Did I mention – it’s okay to cry?

What are your Thoughts on Crying?

Do you feel better after a good cry?   Do you cry only in private or do you cry when the moment arises, public or not?

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