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Writer's pictureLisa Alioto

What Does Autumn Mean to You?

Autumn is the signal that the summer is over and winter is approaching. School is back in session. New seasons of television shows are starting. And leaves will be changing colors. It’s a time of much change!

The Endings

While Autumn is the beginning of many things, let’s not forget it’s also the ending of a season as well. Summer, a beloved season by many, is ending. Gone are the hot days, summer thunderstorms, and fun light attire.

While this year was not the norm for any of us, typically a lot of us travel quite a bit in the summer. Seeing new places and enjoying new experiences. Whether it’s a vacation to a new location or just time spent further exploring our current locale, it’s often a time of fun and frivolity. With summer ending, many of us put a halt on our vacations until the holidays.

The Beginnings

But let’s not dwell too much on the endings for so much fun is also beginning. It’s time to bring out our fun fall colors, whether in home decorations or clothes. In short, it’s time to change things up a bit.

One of the beauties of Autumn are the colors changing on our trees. From brilliant reds, to oranges, and everything in between, it’s fun to see the foliage change each day. Eventually these same leaves scatter down to the ground in an interesting array of color. Magical to the eye.

Autumn also triggers the start of a new school semester for many students. New classes, new teachers, and most of all homework is on the agenda again. It’s a time for learning new things and perhaps even finding a new passion!

Autumn is also the time that many television shows start their new seasons. Many of us have been sitting on cliffhangers for months and have been waiting for this moment. It’s a time when our evenings are filled with good television to break up the work week.

And… let’s not forget the unforgettable: the weather. The weather goes from warm to gradually more and more colder as we approach winter. While we aren’t in the midst of the chilliest days, we know they are approaching. Winter can sometimes be a hard season for many, shut in the house more and less sunshine to brighten our days. Given that, Autumn is a great time to start new projects to cheerfully carry us through the upcoming winter doldrums.

What does Autumn Mean to You?

What endings come with it for you? What new beginnings does it signal? How do you plan to spend your Autumn?

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